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Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

The present terms establish the General Conditions of use and the General Conditions of Sale of infoproducts on yudo montessori’s website.

Browsing the website and/or purchasing any product through it implies acceptance of these general conditions.

The domain and online store designated by www.yudomontessori.com is the property of Flávia Rodrigues.

These General Terms and Conditions regulate the visit and the purchase and sale operations carried out in the online store, between any natural person who uses it for purely personal purposes, as a final consumer, without any intention of reselling the purchased items, and Flávia Rodrigues, as the person responsible for marketing the products described in the online store.

The User undertakes to use this website in compliance with the provisions of the applicable legislation, refraining from using this page for activities contrary to law, morals, and good customs, or duties or rights and interests of third parties.

All brands, distinctive signs, images, texts, photographs, and any other works/works reproduced or represented in the online store are protected by the rules of Industrial Property Law, and any total or partial reproduction or representation of this website is prohibited.

Flávia Rodrigues reserves the right to change the general conditions at any time to adapt them to the applicable legislation in force without prior notice.

It also reserves the right to modify unilaterally and at any time, without prior notice, the presentation and content of the website on the price of info products. These modifications will improve the website and the services offered to the User.

The sale underlying each purchase made by the customer is made under reservation of ownership, whereby Flávia Rodrigues owns the products until the effective and full payment of the amount due.

All content on this site is owned by Flávia Rodrigues and created by her, to whom all intellectual property rights are reserved.

In case of violation, Flávia Rodrigues’s legal team will use the applicable legal mechanisms to protect Copyright and Related Rights to safeguard the legal interests.

Service costs are at the customer’s expense and are added to the total value of the selected products.

The retail prices indicated in the online store are shown in euros (€) and are subject to Value Added Tax (VAT) at the legal rate in force. This value will always be included in our prices.

The User will be informed of these charges before confirming his order and completing the purchase process.

Flávia Rodrigues reserves the right to change prices at any time. However, it undertakes to apply the rates and fees indicated at the time of placing the purchase order.

Suppose a computer, manual, technical error, or any other unknown source causes a substantial change not foreseen by yudomontessori.com in the public sale price. In that case, the purchase order will be considered invalid and annulled.

To make a purchase, you must access yudomontessori.com and follow the steps indicated.

Flávia Rodrigues reserves the right, at its own discretion, to correct any error or omission in any part of the website without prior notice. Flávia Rodrigues may make any changes to the website and info products at any time without prior notice. The price of Flávia Rodrigues info products will always be stipulated on our website, except for a typographical error.

Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. Send any comments and suggestions via email ola@yudomontessori.pt.

In view of the objective of continuous improvement of the services provided, Flávia Rodrigues will seek to respond to and resolve complaints submitted by the User within 10 (ten) working days via email ola@yudomontessori.pt.

If, as a consumer, you consider that your Rights have been violated, you may address your complaint to the email address ola@yudomontessori.pt, in order to resort to an out-of-court settlement. In this sense, if the transaction between Your Exa. and Flávia Rodrigues has been completed through our online store, we inform you – in accordance with EU Regulation No. www.consumidor.pt, or Online Consumer Dispute Resolution identified on the website https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr.

The online store offers the following payment methods:
Credit Card

Pay Pal
Bank Transfer (upon IBAN request).

Customers should only use the payment methods described above.

The customer will not be able to cancel the ordered products because there are no returns for virtual products.

In the case of subscriptions, the amount equivalent to the products referring to the months not yet downloaded is refunded.

The customer will not be able to request the cancellation of the order, once the payment has been confirmed and the email with the link(s) to transfer the digital product(s) has been received.

Data protection

Flávia Rodrigues respects the privacy of all users of its website and is committed to protecting the personal information that each User decides to share in accordance with current national and community legislation.

Privacy Policy

Personal data is collected through the account on the website, in writing, via telephone and through commercial interaction between customers and Flávia Rodrigues.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated at any time, in accordance with legal changes that may occur, with the aim of protecting the customer and keeping their data safe and accessible.

These Terms and Conditions and all emerging disputes related to them, including their validity, the use of the website, or any purchase therein, shall be governed by Portuguese law.

The Online Dispute Resolution website is an official website managed by the European Commission dedicated to helping consumers and traders resolve their disputes out of court: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm? event=main.home.chooseLanguage

Lisbon Consumer Dispute Arbitration Center: http://www.centroarbitragemlisboa.pt
Vale do Ave Consumer Dispute Arbitration Center/Arbitration Court: http://www.triave.pt
CIAB – Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center (Consumer Arbitration Court): http://www.ciab.pt/pt
CNIACC – National Center for Information and Arbitration of Consumer Disputes: http://www.arbitragemdeconsumo.org
Coimbra District Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center: http://www.centrodearbitragemdecoimbra.com
Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center for Consumer Disputes in the Algarve: http://www.consumoalgarve.pt
Porto Consumer Information and Arbitration Center: http://www.cicap.pt
European Online Dispute Resolution Platform: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.chooseLanguage

Last updated May 13, 2023